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Part 2 has been all about learning to really look at parrot behavior and practicing describing it in as unambigous terms as possible. It has also been about changing the way we think about what parrots do, and recognizing that our pre-conceived notions about a parrot's intention or what a behavior might mean can lead us down the wrong path if we're not careful.

We have also started to touch on how impossible it is to not have pre-conceived notions about what we observe; trying to categorize what we see in at least some way is a very human trait, and likely something that we can't stop doing completely. However, by becoming more mindful about what type of mental gymnastics we are consciously or unconsciously engaging in when interpreting behavior, and how that might affect how we interpret what we see, we can begin to negate some of the detrimental effects this can have, and even use to to our advantage.





©2020 Understanding Parrots

(Stephanie Edlund,

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