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Part 3 has been all about the very big part that context plays when it comes to interpreting behavior. 

We have discussed that behavior never just happens out of thin air; it always occurrs in an environment, and that changes in the environment influences what changes in behavior we see. 

We have also discussed how different species, like parrots and humans, might perceive the same environment very differently based on their physical abilities, their "preparedness" to notice certain things that might be important to them as a species from an evolutionary standpoint, and individual differences in perception based on life history and past learning. Additonally, we returned to the topic of how the way we categorize behavior might influence how we think about it, and the pitfalls of confusing structural similarities with functional similarities when we try to interpret behavior

In part 4 we will be sticking to the topic of context, but will be zooming out to get a better view of the bigger picture context that each of us is behaving in.  




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